2023 Youth Meat Judging Series

Preregistration is not required. However, to aid with preparing coach's packets, we would appreciate knowing if you intend to participate in any of the events. The intent can be found at this link.

Illinois Meats Judging Series

Illinois Association of Meat Processors

University of Illinois Meat’s Judging Team

Illinois Farm Bureau

Contact: Jesse Faber [email protected]


  1. General Information **This does not all apply to the State 4-H Contest. Please reach out or wait for more information.
  2. Registration: Register Onsight
    1. Times
      1. 8:30 am Registration
      2. 9:15 am Instructions & Start
    2. Fee: $5 Entry Fee per individual
  3. Divisions: Two divisions with recognitions of individuals and teams in each division.
    1. Junior Division: 8th Grade and Younger **A junior age person may judge in the senior division, may only judge in 1 division
    2. Senior Division: 9th Grade (Freshman) and Older
  4. Team: Up to 5 participants with the top 3 individual’s scores constituting the team score.
  5. Placings/Scoring: Official placings and reasons will be given immediately following event.
  6. Clinic – Following each event will be clinic for the participants and coaches
  7. Scorecards: The Scantron card used in the event will be posted on ilaged.org
  8. Miscellaneous:
  9. Part of the event is held in a cold storage room (25 to 30ºF), dress appropriately.
  10. Attire/Equipment: Hat/hairnet, boots (tennis shoes may not cut it), pants (layers are great), hoodie (again with layers underneath; hoodies are especially good for anyone with long hair).
  11. Participants may use non-programmable calculators if they provide them.
  12. Measuring devices are not allowed for participants during competition.
  13. Participants should have clipboards and #2 pencils.


  1. Event Format: Components of the contest will adapt based on the availability of materials and products at each host. The intention is include each component and be similar to the Illinois FFA Contest.
  2. Placing Rings: from the list available at ilaged.org (50 points each) (Illinois FFA has 5 classes)
  3. Question Classes: questions will be administered in association with 2 of the above placing classes (5 points each) (Illinois FFA has 2 sets of 5 questions)
  4. Quality Grading beef carcasses. [Scoring Note: ten points for correctly identifying the Quality Grade, nine points for being off 1/3 grade, seven points for being off two 1/3 grades, four points for being off three 1/3 grades and zero for missing the correct grade by four or more places.] Shading the ribeyes allowed. (Illinois FFA has 6 carcasses)
  5. Yield Grading beef carcasses. [Scoring Note: ten points for correctly identifying the Yield Grade +/- .1, nine points for being off .2 - .3, eight points for being off .4 - .5, seven points for being off .6 - .7, six points for being off .8, five points for being off .9, four points for being off one full yield grade above or below, and zero for missing the correct grade by more than one full yield grade.] (Illinois FFA has 6 carcasses)
  6. Retail Cut Identification. [Scoring Note: one point for correctly identifying the species, two points for correctly identifying the primal cut, and three points for correctly identifying the retail cut. There are a total of six points possible for each cut.] The Primal and Retail cuts of meat and the code that is required for the answer sheet are listed on the “Meats Retail ID List” available at the ilaged.org website. IMPORTANT: Please note that Cookery Methods listed on the National FFA Retail Cuts Code Sheet (Meats Retail ID List) and on the Scantron answer sheet will not be used in this event. (Illinois FFA has 30 cuts)
  7. Keep/Cull Class - 50 points    Given 8 Meat Products from the Placing Rings or ID List, students will place a Keep/Cull Ring based on a given scenario. Students will Keep 4 Products and Cull 4 Products.